
1. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that organisational transactions are carried out as efficiently as possible through the use of debit cards as appropriate and guard against any possible abuse.

2. Debit cards issued to the QARANC Association will only be used for those activities that are as a direct consequence of the cardholders’ function within the organisation. Their use will be monitored according to the procedures listed below. Any use of the card inconsistent with this policy and these procedures will result in the facility being withdrawn.

3. Each Debit card will be issued to a specific person, who will remain personally accountable for the use of the card. Cardholders will sign a declaration to this effect (see Form section). One copy of the declaration should be forwarded to RHQ, one copy should be held by the Branch Chairperson.

4. Only the authorised signatory may use the card. No more than one card shall be issued per cardholder.

Cardholder’s Responsibilities

5. The Cardholder shall:

(a) In all cases obtain and retain sufficient supporting documentation to validate the expense (e.g. tax invoice) or shall in lieu provide a statutory declaration.

(b) Attach supporting documentation to the monthly statement from the bank.

(c) Review the monthly statement for inaccuracies (and report these to RHQ).

(d) Verify that goods and services listed were received.

(e) Sign the monthly statement to verify that transactions have been made for official purposes.

(f) Notify the bank and the RHQ immediately if; the card is lost or stolen; or any unauthorised transaction is detected or suspected.

(g) Notify RHQ of any change in name or contact details.

(h) Take adequate measures to ensure the security of the card.

(i) Return the card to the RHQ if; the cardholder resigns, or if RHQ determines that there is no longer a need for the cardholder to retain the card, or if the card has been cancelled by the bank.

6. The Cardholder will be personally liable for any unauthorised transaction unless the card is lost, stolen or subject to fraud on some part of a third party.

7. The Cardholder shall not:

(a) Exceed the limit of branch funds available in the account

(b) Obtain cash advances through the card.

(c) Authorise their own expenditure.

(d) Claim double allowances (i.e. request reimbursement for an expense already paid by the card).

Card Expenditure

8. The card will only be used for those activities that are as a direct consequence of the cardholders’ function within the organisation. Where doubt exists as to whether or not an item is function-related, prior authorisation should be obtained from the Branch Chairperson or RHQ.

9. The use of the debit card for ‘services of a dubious nature’ is expressly prohibited. ‘Services of a dubious nature’ are defined as any goods or services that might bring the name of the organisation into disrepute.

Card Misconduct

10. Should a breach of this policy occur, RHQ must assess the nature of the breach and, if significant, report the breach to the police for criminal investigation or, if lesser in nature, instigate an appropriate disciplinary process. The Branch card will be withdrawn and cancelled whilst the investigation takes place.

11. At the next Board of Trustees Meeting the Chairman shall report:

(a) The investigation of the circumstances of the breach

(b) Police reports and action (if any)

(c) Disciplinary action taken (if any)

(d) Related Documents


12. Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the Board of Trustees.

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(Version 2018.1 updated February 2018)