QARANC Association Branch Standards
1. The Standard will be 1.14m by 0.91m (3ft 9ins by 3ft) with a scarlet background (Double Raycot material) with QARANC Association written in silver lettering and the Association Badge heraldically in fast oil colours. The Branch title will be printed below the badge. The fringing will be silver grey with silver grey and silver cord. The Standard will be mounted on a 2.64m polished mahogany pole. Standard poles are all the same length so that when “ordered” (base on the ground) all Standard poles are the same height. Modifying the Standard’s pole is not permissible.
2. Association Standards are considered to be QARANC Association chattels and are to be recorded in the chattels register at RHQ. Standards should be inspected and RHQ should be notified of the condition of the Standard as at 31st January annually. RHQ will be responsible for insuring all Standards.
3. Standards should be accessible at all times as the need to bear the Standard maybe given at short notice. The Branch Committee must be aware of the location of their Standard and how to access it.
Blessing the Standard
4. Traditionally all QARANC Standards should be blessed. If possible this should be carried out at the Church where the Corps Day Service is held. There is no set service but it should include an introduction, a prayer of blessing and the Corps Collect.
Safe keeping
5. Branches should keep their Standard safe. The Standard should be kept on display, if possible, in the Cathedral or Church normally where the Corps Day Service is held.
Occasions of use
6. The Standard maybe paraded on occasions when the QARANC Branch is formally represented. These occasions will normally be restricted to: QARANC Corps Day; RAMC Corps Day, if an invitation has been received to join the Parade; remembrance day parades; funerals where appropriate and civic occasions where appropriate.
7. As a courtesy, and for information, RHQ should be notified when a Branch bears its Standard at any parade or event.
QARANC Standard Bearers
8. Where possible all Branches should have a minimum of two members prepared to act as a Standard Bearer. One Standard Bearer’s uniform will be supplied by the Association. Service personnel will wear Service Dress.
Branch Closure
9. In the event of a Branch closing the Branch Standard maybe be retained at its usual location, otherwise it is to be returned to RHQ. RHQ should be notified of the final storage place for the Branch Standard
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(Version 2018.1 updated February 2018)