
1.1. Heritage is seen to include history, and is the current term in use to cover historical records, historical sites, artefacts, traditions and cultures. As such heritage encompass a wider remit than the term history. English Heritage use the following definition: “Heritage is a broad concept and includes the natural as well as the cultural environment. It encompasses landscapes, historic places, sites and built environments, as well as bio-diversity, collections, past and continuing cultural practices, knowledge and living experiences. It records and expresses the long processes of historic development, forming the essence of diverse national, regional, indigenous and local identities and is an integral part of modern life. It is a dynamic reference point and positive instrument for growth and change. The particular heritage and collective memory of each locality or community is irreplaceable and an important foundation for development, both now and into the future”.

1.2. There is a need to ensure that the heritage of the Corps (and its antecedents) is both preserved and set in the context of military nursing. This requires an approach which recognises the synergies and dependencies on our partner Corps in the AMS, whilst recognising that our Corps heritage is unique. It also recognises the need for partnerships with nursing and military historians and others, outside of the Corps, who can help place our heritage within nursing and military contexts.


1.3. The purpose of the QARANC Association Heritage  Sub-Committee is to create a stronger understanding of Corps heritage in order to be the authoritative focus for others interested in our history, and to provide a clear understanding of the nature of military nursing that will help shape future force planning.

Accountability and Responsibility

1.4. The QARANC Association Heritage Sub-Committee will ensure that:

a. The QARANC Association Heritage Collection is maintained in accordance with the ratified policy (HCC/AGMOct2019 Dated: 12 October 2019).

b. The Heritage Fund is managed correctly in accordance with the ratified protocol.

c. The Association becomes the central focus for the history of Army nurses and nursing.


1.5 The QARANC Association Heritage  Sub-Committee will ensure:

a. Association Heritage Collection:

i. An accessible register of of the Heritage Collection is correctly maintained.

ii. That the Heritage Collection is audited and inspected annually and a report submitted to the Board of Trustees.

iii. That all loans are recorded and monitored in line with policy.

iv. That items in the Heritage Collection identified for disposal are sold at the best price. Proceeds of such sales are to be credited to the QARANC Association Central Fund and details reported annually to the Board of Trustees.

b. Heritage information:

i. That there is a single publicly accessible record of publicly owned memorials and artworks pertaining to Army nurses and Army nursing.

ii. That there is a single publicly accessible record of public archives related to Army nurses and Army nursing, both in the UK and overseas.

iii. There is engagement in, and encouragement of, research related to Corps heritage.

iv. There are links to other relevant heritage or history groups and individuals, who can assist us with Corps heritage projects, or who might wish to use Corps heritage information.

v. There is a presence at conferences related to these Terms of Reference (for example, a conference stand, advertising material, presentations or posters).

vi. There is support for Association members who want to write and publish about Corps heritage.

Vii. There is a response to family history and nursing history enquiries relating to Army nurses.

c. Education:

i. There is support for student researchers (for example, access to Corps information, access by proxy for international students, membership of supervisory teams).

ii. There is support for individuals and units who are planning battlefield tours/ staff rides with a military nursing component.

iii. There is a heritage website.

iv. There is support for the Museum of Military Medicine with presentation programmes at the Museum, and outreach programmes.

d. Publications:

i. There is a “Corps Heritage Matters” column in each Gazette.

ii. Opportunities are sought to publish on heritage matters, and to endorse publications by other individuals or organisations that are supportive of Corps heritage.

e. Engagement:

i. That there is membership from within the Committee of appropriate UK and international nursing and military history and heritage groups.

ii. That there is membership from within the Committee of online forums associated with Army nurses and Army nursing.


1.6. Membership of the QARANC Heritage  Committee:

a. Chair (Appointed by the Board of Trustees. Not necessarily a trustee but should be a subject matter expert)

b. QARANC Regimental Secretary

c. Two Trustees (Appointed by the Board of Trustees, only one if the Chair is a trustee)

d. Two members of the Association who are Military Nursing Subject Matter Experts

e. Director of the Museum of Military Medicine (ex officio)

f. PhD Scholar (ex officio)

g. Other members to be co-opted by the Committee when required.


1.7 An Action and Decision Log will be recorded and updated at each meeting. These will be confirmed by the Chair and all attendees within 4 weeks of the meeting. This log will be made available to all Trustees and Association staff via the website and a summary of actions and decisions presented via a report to each Board meeting which should be submitted to the General Secretary no later than 10 working days prior a Board meeting.


1.8. The Heritage sub-Committee will meet at least four times a year and additionally as required.

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(Version 2020.1 updated July 2020)