
1.1 The purpose of the Benevolence & Grants Sub-Committee is to ensure that the Board of Trustees (hereafter referred to as The Board) fulfils its legal, regulatory, ethical and functional responsibilities in a transparent manner complying with the 2011 Charity Act, Charity Commission guidelines and the Governing Document .


1.2 The Benevolence & Grants Sub-Committee is authorised by the Board to:

a. Consider requests for Grants from and make awards to Association members;

b. Consider requests, in line with The Association’s Benevolence Guidelines, for Benevolence support from and make awards to anyone who has served as a Regular or Reserve member of the QARANC, or its predecessor organisations, with one day’s paid service or more.

c. Consider requests, in line with The Association’s Benevolence Guidelines, for Benevolence support from and make awards to spouses/partners/dependents of anyone who has served as a Regular or Reserve.

d. Take action to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities;

e. Seek advice from Service organisations / charities and civilian agencies to perform its duties where necessary.

1.3 The General Secretary has authorisation or consider and make benevolence awards up to a financial limit without recourse to the Benevolence & Grants sub-committee. This financial limit will be determined annually by the Finance sub-committee and ratified by the Board of Trustees.

Responsibilities, Accountability and Execution

1.4 The Benevolence & Grants Sub-Committee will ensure that:

a. Advice from Case Worker Agencies is sought when members believe further information on an application for benevolence is required.

b. When conditions do not allow for the sub-committee to consider benevolence application’s in person, applications are to be dealt with by email with the applicant’s personal details redacted.


1.5 There will be 3 permanent members of the Benevolence & Grants Sub-Committee who are voting members of the Board:

a. Chair of the Board will Chair the committee;

b. One retired member who is an appointed Trustee;

c. One nominated Trustee who will be the senior serving Warrant Officer.

1.6 The General Secretary is Secretary to the Sub-Committee and is a non-voting member except under exceptional circumstances when a quorum of 4 Trustees attending a Benevolence & Grants meeting can not be achieved. This is not to happen as routine but in extreme circumstances / urgency of decision. 1.7 All Trustees must attend at least one Benevolence & Grants meeting per year.


1.8 A Decision Log will be recorded and updated at each meeting. A Report on the work undertaken by the Benevolence and Grants sub-committee will presented in a report prepared by the General Secretary to each Board meeting.

1.9 The sub-committee is required to submit a report on its annual activity to be included in the annual Governance Statement.


1.10 The Committee will meet at least 4 times per year and additionally as required.

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