
1. The Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps (QARANC) Association are governed by their Constitution and ‘objects’ – ‘to relieve either generally or individually members of the Association, or past and present members of the Corps and their dependants who are in conditions of hardship or distress (beneficiaries)’, and will consider requests from those eligible for benevolence.


2. Any past or present member of the Corps or Association and dependants who may be in need of assistance due to hardship or distress are eligible to apply.

3. Former Corps members must have completed more than 7 days paid service. Eligible dependants are normally restricted to those under 18 years of age, however eligibility as a ‘qualifying dependant’ may be considered due to injury or life limiting illness.

4. To qualify applicants must demonstrate they have limited savings and income.


5. All applications are normally processed via the SSAFA case worker, The Royal British Legion or The Officers’ Association. This applies to serving and retired personnel. In exceptional circumstances cases may be considered following direct contact or in the case of serving personnel through the Chain of Command. Evidence of need must be produced with costings. If medical or mobility equipment is required this must be supported by a recent Occupational Health Assessment.

6. Grants made can only be used for the specific purpose of the request and will generally not be made payable to an individual.

7. Cases will be considered by the Finance and Grants Committee or the Board of Trustees and soon as practicable and the decision will be notified in writing to the Caseworker.

8. All applications will be managed ‘In Confidence’ and will not be shared out with the organisation or individual initiating the request.

Benevolence Grants

9. Applications for the following may be considered:

(a) House repairs and adaptations (not supported by Social Services and Local Authority Grants)

(b) Mobility and disability aids (not supported by Social Services and Local Authority Grants)

(c) Removal expenses

(d) Rent deposits and Bonds

(e) White Goods

(f) Priority Debt/Debt clearance (Bankruptcy). Normally payment of debt will need to be supported by a Debt Management plan.

10. Benevolence Grants will not be considered for

(a) Medical/dental treatment/equipment available via the NHS.

(b) Non–priority debt

(c) Bank loans

(d) Credit Card bills

(e) Hire Purchase Payments Legal Fees

(f) Loans of any type will not be made.


11. In cases of long term hardship or need, the Board of Trustees may invite the applicant to become an annuitant. Annual or biannual payments will be made at a rate agreed and reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees. Annuitants will be reassessed every two years to ensure they continue to meet criteria.

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(Version 2018.1 updated February 2018)