
1. The Public Relations (PR) Officer is elected by the branch members.


2. It is the job of the PR officer to promote the branch by the production of articles for The Gazette together with appropriate photographs by promulgating branch activities throughout the Association. In addition from time to time it may be appropriate to submit press releases to local newspapers. Any PR or press release must be discussed with the General Secretary prior to release.

3. The PR officer is responsible for the submission of an article of branch activities to the Editor twice yearly, by the published deadlines. Where possible any article should be accompanied by appropriate photographs. Following the guidance for contributors, photographs must have names (both forename and Surnames) of all featured personnel, and a statement that permission was received from all those in the photograph for its use in The Gazette. If the PR officer is unable to attend any event then someone else attending should be nominated to carry out this function. All reports of activity can then be incorporated into the branch submission for The Gazette or Website. The article should be circulated round the committee before submission so that committee members are kept informed.

4. The Public Relations Officer is to take an active part in the functions of the committee in order to promote the Branch and the Association in its stated aim of friendship.

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(Version 2018.1 updated February 2018)