
1. The Secretary is elected by the branch members.


2. The Secretary is responsible for the maintenance of up-to-date records of the following:

(a) Branch members: Name including any previous name, awards, address, telephone number, e-mail address and date of birth

(b) Branch Committee: In addition to the above details of date of appointment and resignation to and from the committee

(c) RHQ: Details of RHQ contacts

Branch Annual General Meeting

3. The Secretary together with the Chairperson is responsible for the notification of the Annual General Meeting and all committee meetings. The Secretary should, in agreement with the Chairperson promulgate the date time and venue of the meetings and where appropriate arrange such venues. Notification of the AGM together with its agenda should be sent out at least 2 weeks prior to the event in order to allow for postal or electronic voting to take place should any agenda item necessitate a vote. Prior to this the Secretary should give advance warning of the AGM in order to facilitate the inclusion of agenda items from any branch member.


4. During all meetings the Secretary is responsible for the recording of an accurate record of events together with a record of received apologies for absence. The Secretary is then responsible for the safekeeping of all minutes and ensuring that at the subsequent meeting the minutes are read aloud and voted as an accurate record of events. This vote of accuracy should be signed by the Chairperson. Votes submitted either by post or electronically should be managed and collated by the Secretary and reviewed by two independent members at the meeting. The committee will then be responsible for ratification of the decisions. Hard copies should be kept of all minutes of meetings for historical record for 6 years.

5. In the preparation for any meeting it is the responsibility of the Secretary to anticipate where possible any matters arising and furnish the Chairperson with any relevant information

6. The Secretary should attend or arrange for someone else to attend in their stead if unavailable for any meetings called by RHQ.

Branch Reports

7. The Secretary is responsible for the annual branch report which should be agreed with the Chairperson prior to its distribution.


8. The QARANC Association sends an annual Christmas gift to all members in need. The Secretary is responsible for notifying to HQ the names of branch members who meet these criteria. In addition after discussion with the Chairperson, the Secretary should advise HQ whether flowers or a monetary gift would be appropriate in each case.


9. It is the responsibility of the Secretary to keep all branch members informed of planned activities to ensure maximum attendance and the promotion of the spirit of the Association motto “Friendship.” To this end an accurate list of branch membership will allow for the sending of a branch birthday card to all annually by the Secretary. In addition branches may send out regular newsletters.

Petty Cash

10. The Secretary should maintain a petty cash account for the purchase of stationary and other items. This petty cash should be of no more than £25, recorded in a book together with its proof receipts, and should be audited annually.

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(Version 2018.1 updated February 2018)