1. The QARANC Association are governed by their Constitution and ‘objects’ and will consider requests from those eligible for grants. These may be to assist in the provision of social gatherings to promote comradeship, fostering esprit de Corps and events and activities that preserve Corps and Army traditions.
2. The QARANC Association donate an annual grant to the Army Medical Services Sports Union (AMSSU). This is reviewed by and agreed annually by the Board of Trustees.
3. Only Association Members are eligible to apply for grant. Grants may be to subsidise events, sporting activities, adventurous training or any activity that is in keeping with the ‘Objects’. Applicants must have normally held Association membership for at least 6 months.
4. Applications from Teams or individuals for a grant towards a sport that has already received a grant through the AMSSU will not normally be considered by the Association.
5. All applications for grants for sporting activities or adventurous training activities should be submitted in the first instance to the General Secretary. Applications should ordinarily be submitted on the grants form (see form downloads). Cases will be considered by the Finance and Grants Committee or the Board of Trustees and soon as practicable and the decision will be notified in writing to the applicant. Grants made can only be used for the specific purpose of the request and will generally not be made payable to an individual.
6. All applications will be managed ‘In Confidence’ and will not be shared out with the organisation or individual initiating the request.
7. Applications for the following may be considered:
(a) Adventurous Training (Level 3 only)
(b) Representative Sport (not already in receipt of AMSSU funding)
(c) Costs associated with the organisation of social gatherings i.e. venue hire
(d) Refreshments (Passing Out Parades, Medal Parades, Church Parades, Branch Meetings). Grants will not be considered for non-association members attending any event.
8. Grants requested by serving personnel for adventurous training pursuits or representative sport will not usually exceed 30% of the individuals personal contribution. However in exceptional circumstances the Finance and Grants Sub- Committee may override this provision following agreement by the Board of Trustees. However the grant will not exceed an absolute maximum of £500.
9.Grants to offset personal contributions of those participating in Battlefield Tours will not normally exceed £50.00 per member. Grants requested for Battlefield Tours will only be permitted by each member once in every five years.
10. Grants requested for assistance with social gatherings will be considered on a case by case basis. Consideration will be given to overall Branch activity and individual contributions. Grants awarded to offset costs associated with social gathering and refreshments, will be decided according to the total membership attending and the award should in so far as practicable, only benefit Association members. Grants requested by Association members to subsidise events will not normally exceed 10% of any personal contribution payable. However, in exceptional circumstances the Finance and Grants Sub-Committee may override this provision following agreement by the Board of Trustees.
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(Version 2018.1 updated February 2018)